Enhance the look under the stairs

How to make the space under stairs look lively? Is this the thing you bother about? Then, here is a solution. If you add your imagination, this a wonderful idea for the idle space. Read on.

Arrange a mirror all along the wall under the stairs. With the help of electrician add lights under the stairs to illuminate the area. Mark a square or rectangle on the floor below the stairs of the size you desire. Chalk out an 'S' shape within in the marked area. This shape 'S' is planned for creating small pool. With the help of your mason create a pool in the said shape. Fill the left over area with sand. Place pebbles, shells on the sand such that the sand is not visible. Leave some spaces unattended inorder to bring a look of greenary. Add green velvet cloth in patches at desired places in the left over rectangle or square. Take an iron wire paint it green. Let it dry. Fold it in the form of a bush. Make some bushes and place them in places you desire.

Now its time to decorate with figurines of mushrooms, butterflies, frogs, tortoises, rabbits. Don't be hasty. Be careful in choosing the colours of figurines and their sizes. All their sizes must be relative to the size of the pond. The colours should harmonise well with each other and also with that of the pond. Place figurines of mushrooms in orange, red, pink and white on the green cloth. Arrange some tortoise figurines in the pond and a few on the pebbles and the green cloth. Add figurines of frogs in various poses and sizes at eye catching areas. Put those yellow ducks along with their babies in the water. Add colourful butterflies to the bushes surrounding the pond. Place some fresh flowers like roses, chrysanthemums in the pond. Snails in colours that give feast to the eyes also have their place. Finally don't let the dragonfly fly away from your lovely pond.

Love it. Live it.